Exam session is always stressful thing for students. And what is interesting, everybody worries – both those who didn’t attend lectures and those who did. How to pass the exams? The question is always current! And today we have decided to tell you about the two most effective ways to pass exams successfully!

1. Advice for those, who attended classes! Print the complete list of questions and find your notes. If you have no time for learning, use cribs, BUT! The most important secret here is that you have to write them by your own! Do not share this task with anybody!
Every year hundreds of students face the same problem, they have cribs, but can’t pass the exam! Why? Because during the exam they can’t understand what is written in their cribs! =) It's very corny. In 90% of cases, you are not able to understand other people's cuts.
So, you need to prepare your own cribs. Do not make them too big. It is better to read the abstract (or textbook, or information in the Internet) and write down the most basic things: the formulas, definitions, subtypes. Do not copy complete paragraphs, in other way lecturer will immediately understand that you have copied material word for word. You will definitely call to memory something from the lectures, add formulas from cribs and that’s it! And even if you can’t use the crib in the exam, you have high chances to recall what you wrote in it.

2. (If everything is very bad =)). Rather common the situation where the student see the teacher for the first time only in the exam. Of course, the lecturers do not like such students!) What to do in this case? The best way is to talk with the examiner before the exam (not right before it, but 2-3 days will be ok). Apologized for your absence and try to explain it. Tell the teacher that you understand the importance of his subject and that you are intensively preparing for the exam. In this case, the examiner may change his attitude and maybe even forgive you=)). In any case, such an honest and polite conversation will give you a little benefit!
After that, you should start intensive training with a tutor. The experience of TutorOnline tutors shows that students, who have missed a lot of classes, hardly know basis. Moreover, they do not know where to find the material that is worth to be learned first. Therefore, it is important to study with the professional tutor! He knows all the weaknesses of students and know how to help!
So take the intensive classes in all the days that are left before the exam. Study at least for 2 hours a day, it is quite tiring, but very productive. The more days you have before the exam, the better you will be prepared for it!
Schedule the lesson with experienced online tutors TutorOnline in higher mathematics, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, physics and other subjects and learn them perfectly!
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