Many parents nowadays try to do everything to help their child to learn foreign languages. However, sometimes they are confused by common myths, which hinder their child to get the best result. Let’s see the most popular of them.

Myth 1: You have to start as early as possible. On the one hand, this really makes sense. And some parents in the pursuit of success, start looking for a tutor of French, German or other foreign language, when their child is just 3 years old. Because they think that the child will learn two languages simultaneously. But this approach almost never gives the desired result. Children at this age can learn language only if they speak it every day and not just for 3-4 hours, they should speak it the whole day. So, a small child needs language environment. Therefore, if there are no native speakers of the foreign language in your family, it is better to postpone classes up to 7-8 years, when the child is most ready to learn.
Myth 2. You should learn only with professors or native speakers. On TutorOnline we have teachers with great experience of living abroad, native speakers, but we always recommend starting learning foreign languages with English-speaking teachers, who have simple and clear pronunciation. It is the best variant for children.
If a pupil just beginning to get acquainted with the language, it is very important to have a tutor, who is able to explain features of grammar in the native language of the child and with the most understandable accent. Fluent and fast foreign pronunciation only harms in the primary grades. Tutors, who are native speakers can help those people, who have already reached intermediate level, and in such a situation it will give the best effect.
Myth 3. It is better to study in groups. The main argument is that children can communicate in the foreign language inside the group and it allows them to learn the language faster. However, in practice, it dose not work.

Firstly, children in most cases feel «chained» and are afraid to say something wrong. Do you remember that awkward feeling when you say something wrong and the whole class start laughing? In groups such situations take place very often. Therefore, children prefer just to think instead of saying out loud.
Secondly, even in the smallest groups there are always 2 types of pupils: those, who can catch new information very fast and those, who need more detailed explanation. Because of this, the speed and the quality of training decreases.
The five-year experience of our work as online school TutorOnline proved that when a child is individually studying with a tutor, who knows the best approach to him, the classes bring maximum effect. The child is not afraid to say something wrong, receives the answers to all his questions, so he learns quickly and gladly.
Myth 4. The process of learning can be considered as completed if the child have stable «A» grades at school.
Unfortunately, the highest mark at school does not guarantee that the child have enough language skills to communicate in the foreign languages freely. So many students, who perfectly know the grammar, have great difficulties in oral speech.
It is very important to have constant practice if you study foreign languages. Do not stop the classes, if your child can do homework without help and have only high marks at school. Make sure that your child expands vocabulary, and speak French, German or any other foreign language, which he started to learn.
And if there are any questions, you can always take a short consultation or a complete lesson with a tutor on!
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