There is no active sessions at the moment
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Tutor has no available hours in schedule
An error has occurred during lesson postpone action. It is possible that the selected time is already taken. Please, try again.
It is not possible to postpone this lesson. This action is possible not later than a day before the beginning of this lesson.
The lesson was not postponed. The planned lesson duration does not allow you to postpone the lesson to the selected time.
You can postpone lesson not later than course ends.
Unfortunately, the student doesn't have enough credit to schedule a lesson.
Lessons have been scheduled successfully.
Please use this schedule in order to schedule lessons with our tutors or to see with whom you have already scheduled a lesson.
10 tutors available hours marked. The number in the cell indicates the number of tutors.
Open hours marked during which the tutor conducts his/her lessons.
Selected the time of the selected lesson is marked. Click on "Schedule" to schedule the lesson. To cancel the selection click again.
English your scheduled lessons marked. By clicking on them, you will see additional information about your lessons.
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